If you need help with the new members area of the website.

If something isn’t working as you would expect, you’ve done something in error or just need some help, then let us know and we’ll see what we can do. An e-mail to newhaven_archery@yahoo.co.uk is probably easiest.

A link to a 4 page PDF userguide here.

Getting Help!

Logging on.
Logging off.
I’ve lost my password.

Adding something to the ‘For Sale’ page or the ‘Discussion board’.

I’ve added something to the For Sale/ the discussion board / Feedback pages but it’s not being displayed.

I’m stuck in a strange screen with loads of little symbols down the left hand side.
I’m stuck in a strange screen, that appears to be called:
– Dashboard
– Posts

How do I change my details – e.g. password/ e-mail address etc.

Using the calendar

Importing the calendar into the calendar on my PC, tablet or phone.

Getting an ID on the system (Note: To see this screen you are currently logged on with an ID…)

Getting rid of unwanted boxes on the screen for entering a ‘New Post’.

Adding a comment to a page. If you can comment on a page there will be a ‘Leave a reply’ box at the bottom of the page e.g. as on the ‘Photo Gallery’ page’.

Commenting on someone else’s reply. Click on ‘Leave a reply’ under the person’s comment or on the speech bubble next to it (the number shows the number of existing replies.

Storing a link to a page (e.g. the ‘Score submission page) as a favourite so you can go straight to it. The exact steps depend on which browser you use, ask me (Nigel) and I’ll let you know.

Who can access the members area? Only members of the club who have been provided with an ID can access the site.

Suggesting an improvement to the website. Put it in a ‘Post’ in the ‘Discussion’ area of the site (the ‘Help’ area has a 3 step guide on how to do this here).

Adding photos to the gallery. – Send them to me – Nigel.  You can add an image to a post that you create.